Thursday, April 24, 2008

Warning for Zoomerang Users

I've used Zoomerang survey software a really long time. In creating a new survey, what would typically take me 15 minutes to input instead took 60 minutes. So warning Zoomerang users: sometime in the past 2 weeks they completely modified how to enter questions - and it is not remotely as easy as before. Now numerous set-up (formatting) options for each question field including font, font size, if images, etc. - definitely not for the beginner survey user like the old easy format where it was more plug and play.

You might want to experiment with it if you think you may have a time-sensitive survey anytime in the future.

On the plus side, another new feature is apparently the ability to do skip logic. So questions only appear if answering string of questions certain way. Wonder how long it will take me to figure out how to do that!

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