Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What does your technology say about you?

This is one of those weeks where office technology decided to simultaneously stop working ... the copier won't duplex (takes "days" to get parts), the office digital camera is holding pictures hostage, the coffee pot exploded, and our ancient television (pic) needed to play a DVD but couldn't. So HAD to get new ....

I sometimes don't easily want to replace equipment that still works (thus the 20 year old TV) - but now that the TV replaced by a $349 flatscreen version, it's embarrassing to have the old one in the room.

Does old (but working) equipment make an association look out-dated too, or does it look fiscally responsible?


Jeff De Cagna/@pinnovation said...

Cindy, I would argue that it is fiscally irresponsible for associations to not regularly update their equipment. The fact that old technology still works isn't the relevant factor. The relevant issue is whether the people working in our organizations have the tools they need to get their jobs done. We are wasting precious time, attention and energy resources when we invest them in continuing to use tools that aren't appropriate in today's environment.

Cindy Butts said...

Jeff: I should have noted we do continuously upgrade our servers and computer equipment. And we're brutal on copiers and printers (even if we like to think we're trying to reduce paper) so those never last very long. It's all that other random equipment ... Not that I think this changes your response! Thanks, C.