In the Google search bar ....
1. Weather: type the word weather followed by a city name or zip code, such as weather paris
2. Basic calculator: type the formula right in, such as 12 + 80 or 12% of 90
3. Measurements and conversions: type the word in to differentiate, such as for currency 80EURO in USD
4. Package tracking: type provider acronym first (FedEx, UPS, USPS), reference number second. Such as FedEx 987655112
5. Flight status: type airline and flight number, such as Delta 1212
6. Definitions: type define: then the word, such as define: wistful
They're so easy!
1 comment:
You can also use google from your cell phone, and it doesn't have to be a fancy smart phone. Just needs text messaging.
Type in a word or phrase, like "weather washington, dc" and send it via text message to 46645 (the phone-pad number for GOOGL), and you'll get a response back in less than a minute.
I use it all the time to check baseball scores when I'm out and about.
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