I'm depressed how my much-needed vacation time is shaping up. My office tells everyone who calls I'm on vacation so much of the email I'm receiving starts with, "I know you're on vacation, but ... ". I clearly created and continue to enable this situation because I'm answering all the work email. The email then creates in my mind more work-related things I should be doing instead of taking time off.
1. When you take vacation time, does it really mean vacation OR continuing to work at home?
2. Is it better to keep checking email, see what's there but not open it (and imagine what it might say), or let it wait a week and be surprised later?
So where am I headed this afternoon - the second day of time off? The office. I hope no one else does this. In the category do as I say, not as I do: Take vacation time as vacation time.
Before email it was much more possible to leave on a vacation. You can always say your connection was down.
It really does feel good to stay away from your e-mail if you are "on vacation". Try it. Most things can wait and sometimes resolve themselves.
So wish you were alone on this journey. Working on Saturday, December 22 while on vacation and at home....
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