In earlier blog posts, I've noted you can use your camera phone to create digital reminders:1. Where you parked your car in a parking lot (or on a street)2. Your hotel room number3. Name badge when someone doesn't have a business cardRecently read another use: to keep track of what you eat, if dieting. It's easy to forget if you don't record it; and photos can help you keep track. If you start to build up numerous pictures, you'll at least have digital reminders - to count it all. Even if you wish you didn't.
This email arrived today: "An anonymous donor has agreed to match your online donation dollar-for-dollar - as long as it is made before December 31. Inspired by the work of (organization), she has pledged up to $250,000 in additional funding!"You can take this concept to a smaller scale too with even a $1,000 contributor. Here are 2 fundraising techniques that can work ... geared towards the $100 to $1000 contributor but could be other amounts.1. "An anonymous donor will match your contribution if you contribute by (date in near future)": Ask someone to donate $1000 as matching contribution, send a message to others saying that up to 10 contributions of $100 will be matched if contributed by a specific date. Or just say "up to $1000" and see if you get lots of little contributions or one big contribution. If you go over, it might be easy to find someone to match amounts that you received over the initial $1000.2. "Make (fill in the blank) pay": If a staff person, the president of the association, or someone else who is well known is willing to donate $1000 .... Send a soliciation (maybe with a picture of them holding $1000) saying that individual will give $1000 if five other people also give $1000 by a specific date.Why they work ...1. Asking someone to provide the matching funds or to be the person to "make pay" gives you the potential for that $1000 up front.2. People often pay extra attention to a request if their money can be matched or can result in a larger amount for the organization.And of course, make it easy to give - like online payments.
It only takes one experience with a speaker telling off-color and offensive jokes to your association audience to realize it can happen at any time. Best to address it up front, with any speaker. Here's an excellent form by Jeff Hurt that covers a range of potential speaker issues, including selling from the podium. It's on a blog post that has LOTS of great info for anyone who hires speakers (e.g., sample A/V requirements form, A/V recording authorization form, speaker travel/lodging form.)Jeff explains, "A Speaker’s Guidelines Form (includes information about using non-sexist and non-discriminatory language, the use of intellectual property, as well as a non-sales from the podium) This is an important form that protects you, the conference organizer and lets the speaker know you expect professionalism."Thanks, Jeff. Great info!
I attend a lot of meetings, so notice when an association does something unique or customized. Check out the ribbon on this (otherwise plain) gift bag, left in my hotel room, that has the association name spelled out in lettering on the ribbon. Customizing does stand out.